STM Fly Fishing Schools are taught by seasoned professional fly fishing guides that live and breathe fly fishing. Our guides love the art and sport of fly fishing and make it our goal to pass our enthusiasm down to you. The waters we will be learning and fishing on primarily are the trout rich waters of the Upper and Lower Owens Rivers of the dramatic and scenic Eastern Sierra near Bishop, California.
Introduction To Fly Fishing Class
While taking this two day class you will be taught the fundamentals of fly fishing including fly casting, knot tying, fly and equipment selection, reading the water, safety, and catching and releasing fish unharmed. A majority of your time will be spent on the water with David and his full time guides.
Classes take place on the trout rich waters of the Upper and Lower Owens Rivers which are very beginner friendly streams. Due to their spring creek origins the Upper and Lower Owens Rivers are streams that gently meander through high sierra meadows surrounded by mountains thus making these rivers easily accessible and wadable. They do not intimidate the beginning fly fisherman upon entering the water like large stoned fast flowing watersheds.
At the end of the class you should be able to confidently approach a trout stream, select the water that hold the trout, select the right fly out of your box, and cast your fly in a way that a trout will see it as a natural insect. You will also enjoy tying your own fly that you will be able to cast later in the class to trout on the stream.
- Fly casting techniques
- Essential knots
- How to choose your gear and tackle
- Stream entomology (aquatic insect identification)
- Proper fly selection
- How to read water and currents
- How to play, land, and safely release fish
Depending on the season and the fishing conditions the advanced class will take place on the East Walker River.

Intermediate / Advanced Class
The difference between a mediocre angler and a proficient angler is the individual’s fishing skillset, practice, and time and experience on the river. If your are ready to take your fly fishng game to the next level you will be learning from the most experienced Fly Fishing Guides/Instructors in the Sierra Nevada that spend 300-350 days a year on the water with decades of experience. We will give you a true focus on what you truly need to make the next step with your angling skills. In this class we will focus on:
- Advanced Aquatic Entemology Interpretation
- Advanced Casting Skillset Practice
- Mending for Success (Intuitive Evaluation of Stream Currents and Line Placement)
- Pinpoint Fly Selection
- Stealth on approaching the Stream on Foot (angler positioning)
- Solid Rigging Techniques (The most successful fly fishing rigs) Dry/ Emerger/ Nymph/ Czech/ Streamer/ Wet
- and much more