The winter wild brown trout fly fishing jewel of the Eastern Sierra, the Lower Owens is now into prime form! Down to a low and easy wading level of 100cfs, the Lower Owens is on for the winter! With mid-high fifties temperatures in the Winter in the Lower Owens valley fishing the river is a pleasure. BWO’s have been coming off late morning and this hatch is somewhat predictable. It can be found in the upper reaches of the river as well as a few select runs and riffles down lower.  Before and after the hatch event all sorts of baetis emergers and nymphs will take fish when nymphed properly in the correct locations.  At 100 cfs one must read the river correctly as it will tell you the correct place to find holding trout.   For success on the Lower Owens try: Try a Throax BWO in sizes #18-20, etha wing (cut wing) BWO’s, Para BWO and Classic BWO patterns all in #16-20 will get fish as they are surfacing to adult BWO mayflies. On the underwater side try; Robo PT’s #16-20, Sparkle Trigger #16-20, Crystal PT, #18-20, Bubble Back Emergers and Half Back emergers in #18-20, Poly wing emergers, and Zebra and Tigers Midges  in sizes #18-20.  For attractor patterns a Red Copper John, Red Chironocone,  Red Disco Midge, or a Red Tiger/Zebra in sizes #16-20 is also a good addtion for your fly arsenal on The Lower Owens.  Red seems to be a colour attracting fish besides the other obvious bugs around.   Look for frequent updates on this river as we see what unfolds this December.  Wanna see the Lower Owens from a different perspective?  Try one of your drift boat trips.  Look for a December special to unfold soon.