The Lower Owens River continues to flow at a clear and cool 125 cfs. Fish are happy and hungry. With these weather patterns passing through Dry Fly activity is erratic in certain areas.. Recently with the overcast weather it has been coming off much more consistently right at noon to around 1-2pm. The entire system is healthy and fishing well. Most of our guiding is happening in the Lower sections of the rived and even below the Quality Water. Baetis Emergers (Bubbleback, soft hackles, ect.) #16-20, Caddis Worms in world style and Soft Hackles #14-18, and various Midge Larvae #18-20. We have been seeing Scattered Caddis activity above the water as well as a PMD here and there. This should be a prelude of great times to come on the Lower Owens very soon.