The magnificent Lower Owens River just does not want to let go of its crisp, high flows! At a steady 547 cfs as of now we are happily anticipating the dropping of flow levels any day! That being said for those who know how to fish the river it is in amazing shape. The Trout of the Lower Owens have not seen, if ever, a sustained volume of this magnitude for such a long block of time. This gives the finned creatures of the river a lot of room to move around and take advantage of the food delivery system the river now offers to them. As far as they are concerned after the last five years of edge of drought situations the river is an entire new ecosystem, thriving with food and life on a constant delivery system. This makes for very healthy and happy fish of all sorts! Emerging Mayflies and Midges with some rogue Caddis are seen over the water inconsistently as the day warms. Emerger and Soft Hackle patterns have been very successful in #14-18. As well as various small streamers and seasonal dry fly patterns in slow moving foam lines during the warmer parts of the day.. As amazing as it is its very high and fast in most areas. Extreme caution at all times!