The East Walker is showing us the big fish population is has as it is flowing at a low winter rate of around 45 cfs and fishing well! .. Fish are somewhat  more-confined to larger and deeper runs and holes and the occasional head and fin can be seen. Easily spooked at this quiet winter flow fish must be approached slowly and cautiously. Streamers and rat patterns fished correctly can produce some large trout with at least some large movement on your pattern when thrown to the opposite bank and tugged back. Small nymphs still produce the most fish. Poly Wing Emergers #18-20, Biot Midges #18-20, Miracle Midges #18, WD-40’s #16-20 and Serenstupities #18 are just a few patterns to try. Big Fish are on the move here with some fish showing spawning colours. When the East Walker is this low there is not much reason to enter the water except to cross in certain areas.