Hot Creek continues to be a dynamic place to practice the art of Fly Fishing! A few more weeds are finally coming up, but the flows are considerably higher for this time of year when compared to years past. Caddis are still the main food source but it is Trico time of year and they are starting to show during the morning hours. Mid-day the sun beats down and fishing slows a bit- try a hopper or a bugger during these times to mix it up. Ascending Caddis #16-18, Hot Creek Caddis fished wet #18-20, and BD diving caddis #16 will take fish. Very small Pheasant Tails and Trico nymphs and emergers will also produce fish when nymphed properly, try these in #’s 18-22. In the evening a great caddis hatch can come off and send the fish looking topside. A small Elk Hair Caddis will work great as well as; Para Caddis, Hot Creek Caddis, and CDC caddis all in #’s 18-20. Stay tuned as we see what Hot Creek has in store for us in the months to come.